Monday, January 21, 2008


As an adult, you're probably asking, what is a Bilibo, and what the heck would you do with this thing? Have no fear -- your kids will know what to do!

Watch the movie here if you're still not convinced.

Available from many online retailers, including Fat Brain Toys.


Silvia said...

They should make these in adult sizes. :)

A Tiny Big World Blogger said...

I have been dying to get these for the kids... of course you've gotten them first... you are so hip. ;o) open-ended toys are so awesome. I'm constantly amazed at what kids will come up with. Something happens when we get older...our brains freeze or something. It seems like we need to be told what to do with a toy or a gadget. Grownups should be required to play with these. Might keep us out of the nursing home!

Erin said...

Well, I can sit in one, but it isn't pretty! Walking across them is fairly safe for adults if you have bare feet and/or a good sense of balance. We're planning to bring them to the beach this weekend, so hopefully we'll find new uses there.