Friday, November 16, 2007

Tempting, but...

When I first saw this set in a catalog, I was all ready to put it on the Christmas list for Grandma to buy. A felt mailbox with a flag that moves and mail that has velcro stamps and addresses?? Fabulous! But then I saw that it costs $50.

I'm not someone who particularly enjoys doing crafty things. But really, how hard would it be to make a mailbox out of a shoebox, and then make lots of your own mail? Even my son, who also isn't very crafty, would enjoy doing that project, I think.

On the other hand, maybe this is a perfect gift from grandma. I'm not going to judge.

(And it's made in the USA. I saw it in the Chasing Fireflies catalog.)


Jennifer said...

Found you when I googled "felt mailbox" - I too have found this great felt mailbox but thought the price tag was a bit much. We are going to try to make one tonight... maybe even in time for a Christmas gift for my nearly two year old (and her big sister)...

Erin said...

How'd it go?? I was thinking that you could buy a real mailbox at the hardware store (complete with flag) and then just make the felt letters and stamps.

I may try that for my daughter's second birthday. Good thing I have a few months!

Thanks for stopping by.